Thursday, December 1, 2011


I'm ready for 2012. Can't wait because my gut says it's gonna be a great year! 2011 wasn't bad but not great for me. If  I can stay sane through the maddening holiday shopping of December I'll be fine. I go through this every year - shopping during the last month of the year and declaring each year that I won't let it happen again. And guess what? It's the same routine the next year.

Thinking about making resolutions for the new year. Yeah, think I will write some down because it's fun at the end of the year to see what I accomplished. 2012 is an election year.  That should be exciting. Can Obama overcome all the obstacles thrown in his way? Will the republicans get it together? When will our country recover from the near depression we're in?

This year I wanted to finish another screenplay (didn't do it) but did re-write one and started another one. I volunteered at and attended one film festival and joined two screenwriter groups. I entered several screenwriting contests and am waiting to see if anything comes of it. I made some new contacts and friends and finally met some of my mysterious neighbors. I was beginning to wonder if some of them were axe murderers or something. They are not, thank God!

So, bring on the new year! Soon we'll all be saying good night to to 2011 which is fine with me. Ring out the old and bring in the new. May 2012 be a banner year for all of us!