Tuesday, August 20, 2013


As I approach another birthday I can't help but look at my life and its ups and downs. The challenges and opportunities. The failures and the achievements. I feel blessed to be here and sadness for a brother who died way too young. My daughter is grown and doing well. I live a comfortable life and am pursuing a dream deferred for too long. I see myself reaching another goal within the next year or two.  I long to travel and see the world and God willing, I will do that.

A lesson learned is that life is too short and moves at lightning speed, especially after 40. Say "I love you" to your friends and family. Express gratitude for your blessings and never take anything or anyone for granted. Persue your dreams with fervor and determination. Thank your mentors and cheerleaders but forgive those who didn't have your back or expressed jealousy or envy. Life is too short to hold on to bitterness or anger. 

Remember the lessons of karma - that what you put out there always comes back to you. Be happy for your friends' successes, express joy and thankfulness. Your life will be better because of this.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Las Vegas:

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